I love making art,
but it is often a solitary activity.
Anytime a connection can be made through my art
is my definition of success
I love it when I can light up someone's face through art
(happily unintended pun ;)
Besides lighting people up and making art, i also like hugs, donuts, playing cribbage, trying to speak French, hopping on planes, world peace, reading, taking long walks & getting out of the city to see the Milky Way.
Though, wherever I am, my favorite thing of all time is Laughing with friends, family & fellow good eggs, such as yourself.
*So, that brings us to YOU!*
if you're intrigued by my style but want something uniquely you i happily do commissions. we could do a portrait of your grandmother, your pet, or your favorite photo from that trip that you took a year ago.Tell me what type of piece you are looking for, I'll get all inspired, we'll agree on the details, et voila! in no time you'll have a one of a kind piece of art shipped to you to add to any space that makes you so happy that
you wanna smile or laugh or dance!
your happiness will rub off
on others & in no time
the world will be at peace